From Dusk to Her Dawn

In the sprawling tapestry of dusk, I see you,

Amidst shifting silhouettes and fleeting moments,

You unravel the riddles of my restless heart,

With a glance, my universe turns infinite,

And I am but a sailor lost in your cosmic sea.

To you, the beacon that ignites my sky,

With every tender touch, every whispered word,

The enigma of our dance, a celestial ballet,

Your essence, a force that pulls me,

Closer than orbiting stars to their galaxies.

Once, I traversed the landscapes of solitude,

Dreaming of love, a nebulous mirage,

Yet, you transformed fantasy into tangible truth,

No longer do I chase ephemeral shadows,

For in your embrace, all illusions shatter.

Your love, a realm where no barriers stand,

Unyielding, vast, deeper than ocean trenches,

It's in the lingering warmth of intertwined fingers,

In the passionate ardor of fervent gazes,

A symphony, where every note speaks of endless yearning.

Your aura, a radiant sun, dispelling my twilight,

In the gentle cadence of your laughter,

I find the songs my soul had long sought,

With every heartbeat synchronized to your rhythm,

My love, you've become the poetry I write.

To say I adore you would merely graze the surface,

You're the cosmic dance, the eternal flame,

In every whispered secret, every silent prayer,

The universe echoes the testament of our bond,

A love so profound, mere words cannot contain.

So, amid the vast expanse of time and tide,

Know this, my love for you won't wane or wander,

For in every incarnation, every lifetime,

It is you I will seek, cherish, and hold dearer,

The timeless muse, of this heart's endless ponder.


Dear Valentine


Heart Tug