You and I

In moments, I waver, Bound by the impermanence of presence.

Yet, it’s hard to move when you've become my anchor.

You, an unexpected constant, even in your loud silences,

In the morning glow, I find comfort wrapped in these sheets,

In your remnants, Hours elongate, plans dissipate.

In this stillness, here I remain, perpetually,

As if time itself has fused our souls, unyieldingly.

Beyond these locked doors, worlds may crumble,

Yet, in this enclave, it's just the rhythm of our breaths,

A melody that keeps playing, resounding the phrase: "It’s you and I."

In this embrace of imperfections,

Even when your words prick,

There's no regret, no retractions.

It's as if fate's strings have knitted us, intricate,

In this vast universe, right here, it's static, only us, you and I.

The city outside stands silent,

An empty theater, bereft of its ensemble.

Yet, in this quiet, I've come to know you deeper,

Every whisper, every scar, every tremor.

This solitude, almost like an endless night,

But there's solace, in knowing,

With every dawn, with every dwindling light,

It's you, always you, with whom I’m intertwining.

Just You and I.


Heart Tug

